what the hell is this all about then?
Hi! I'm the creator of this website, and it's the website that I created. Actually, technically I didn't create it all by myself; I had a lot of help. Pretty much everything else on here is by me, though!
As for what it's actually about...I dunno. Hopefully I'll find out at some point.
In the meantime, here's a picture I drew of someone drinking wine backwards:

Who are you?
I dunno, just some guy.
More detail please
I like to write and play D&D. I've tasted glitter glue before, and it wasn't very good. One time I bought a turkey baster from QFC for 99 cents and took it to school as a bit, and then my mom used it to actually baste a turkey and it got broken. I can say at least one tongue-twister in Spanish. I have somewhere between two and 8 billion friends. Fun fact about me: If I get thrown backwards while being electrocuted, it's not because of the electricity. Bodies just do that.
So, uh...What is the thing that can't be killed?
The title of this site is based off something I wrote a while ago. Here's the full quote:
I enjoy living and experiencing life, and I like to feel joyful, and I have hope for the future—unceasing, unsquashable hope, because I am idealistic and there is something inside me that cannot be killed.
Maybe I'm just insufferably immature, but I think that all of us have something inside that can't be killed. Maybe a better term for it is story, experience, perspective, hope. Something like that. The only problem is that when we do shuffle off this mortal plane—in whatever form that takes—there's no way for anyone else to access the something.
That's why we write, I think. To leave behind an imprint of our soul.
Eh, there I go getting unnecessarily poetic again. C'est la vie.